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Attendance Plan

Oak Leaf Elementary
Attendance Plan

At Oak Leaf Elementary, we recognize the importance of regular daily attendance
for our students for their academic, social, and emotional growth. Our attendance
data is a concern, as we have a 10% average student daily absent rate.
We readily acknowledge that there are valid reasons to be absent from school (i.e.
illness, family death). However, according to the state of Utah, a “valid excuse”
does not mean a parent acknowledgement of an absence for a reason other than a
reason described in Subsection (9)(a)(i) through (vi) of § 53G-6-201. Being absent
10% during the school year is considered chronic.
Our Commitment:
1. Teachers will be prepared with engaging instruction and activities that are
aligned with Utah Core Standards each day.
2. Oak Leaf faculty and staff will develop positive relationships with students
and encourage inclusivity and a sense of belonging for all.
3. Teachers will reach out to parents of students who are absent for more than
one day in a row—each time.
4. Students who have social, emotional, or other concerns that affect their
attendance will be supported with an individual attendance plan.
5. Parents will be provided with a “total days” absent report which includes
both excused and unexcused absences during the Spring Parent Teacher

Parent Responsibility:
1. Support your child’s attendance (morning routine, access to the school
building, positive attitude, follow through, plan vacations with school calendar
in mind).
2. Reach out to teacher, administration, or school psychologist with individual
concerns for your child regarding attendance.
3. If your child is absent for any reason, please contact the front office to let
us know.
Student Responsibility:
1. Come to school each day with a positive attitude, ready to learn.
2. Be inclusive and kind to everyone, helping others feel a sense of belonging.
3. Communicate concerns to a trusted adult in a timely manner.